[Salon] Riyadh to announce end to war on Yeme" (Al Mayadeen, 4/7/23.)


Sources to Al Mayadeen: Riyadh to announce end to war on Yemen

  • This Feb. 17, 2018, photo shows a damaged theme park in Aden, Yemen. (AP)This Feb. 17, 2018, photo shows a damaged theme park in Aden, Yemen. (AP)

Informed Yemeni sources reported on Friday that Saudi Arabia had summoned the head and members of the Yemeni Presidential Leadership Council on the anniversary of the Council that was announced from Riyadh.

Yemeni sources told Al Mayadeen that Riyadh briefed the president and members of the Presidential Leadership Council on its unannounced meetings with the Sanaa government.

The sources pointed out that the Saudi Defense Minister, Khalid bin Salman, briefed the head of the leadership council and members of the council on the solution for a way out of the war on Yemen during their meeting yesterday.

In turn, the Saudi ambassador to Yemen briefed the Chairman and members of the Leadership Council on the details of Riyadh's unannounced understanding with Sanaa and their outcomes. 

The sources pointed out that the Saudi vision for the solution welcomes extending the truce in Yemen for another year, in agreement with Sanaa," adding that "the vision provides for extending the truce in exchange for handing over [employee] salaries, unifying the currency, and opening the port of Al-Hudaydah completely."

The sources explained that an extension of the truce with these new conditions will be followed by an official Saudi announcement of the end of the war and the cessation of its interference in Yemen.

Likewise, the sources reported that after an official declaration for the end of the war, a Yemeni-Yemeni round of consultations will begin under UN supervision and Saudi sponsorship," and that the consultations will seek to agree on a transitional phase for a period of two years.

The sources stressed that the Saudi vision is based on discussing, during the transitional period, the future form of the state and the ruling government, adding that the Saudi vision for a solution in accordance with its understanding with Sanaa is still being discussed and is almost final. 

The sources stated that Riyadh informed the Presidential Leadership Council of its decision to end the war and conclude the Yemeni file permanently.

Earlier, a member of the political bureau of the Yemeni Ansar Allah movement, Abd al-Wahhab al-Mahbashi, confirmed that the Iranian-Saudi agreement is positive, and that it will have an impact on Yemen.

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